Monday, October 5, 2015

Why I am studying Japanese

I'm a big fan of Japanese mystery authors including Keigo Higashino and Miyabe Miyuki.

One day, when I have mastered Japanese, I will be able to read these novels in the language they were written!

For the first four weeks my Japanese class has been fabulous! I'm a little worried about the kanjis that we will be learning in the future, but until now, i feel like i'm on the right track.


  1. わたしも Keigo Higashino のほんがすきです!あのひとのびゃくやこう はわたしだいすきのほんです。You-Nahさんのだいすきの1ほんはなんですか。

    1. わたしのいちばんすきな本は"レモン”と”容疑者Xの献身"です。カリレオシリズもすきです。

  2. Hello. My name is Juri Shirai. I’m from Osaka. I’m Ritsumeikan University student and learning business administration. This department focuses on globalization. Therefore, I’m learning English hard, and I also have been learning Spanish since this spring. My hobby is to watch Japanese animation. My favorite animation is “Detective of Conan” It is very exciting. I like Miyabe Miyuki's book, too. Which book do you recommend? Thank you for reading.


    1. こんにちはしらいさん。わたしも「こなん」がすきです!わたしのいちばんすきな本は"レモン”と”容疑者Xの献身"です。カリレオシリズもすきです。These were written by Mr.Geigo. Among Miyabe Miyuki's works, I like 模倣犯 and would love to read more!

    2. Thank you for your reply. I am happy to know that you like "Conan", too. I am looking forward to next the movie. I read "容疑者Xの献身” before. It is very exciting! And I haven't read "レモン", so I am going to read it. "今夜も眠れない” written by Miyabe Miyuki is also exciting work. If you have a time, please check it.

  3. You-Nahさんの專攻はなんですか?わたしもにほんの文学を読みます。三島由紀夫の作り話はよみましたか?

  4. たのしブラグえすね!ユナ・ジョンさんはげんきですか。どんなほんがすきですか。しけんがんばってください!Also, out of curiosity, is there anything else in particular that draws you to Japanese language and literature?

  5. ゆなさん、こんばんは。わたしはブレットです。このブログのポストはとてもおもしろいですね!ひがしのさんとみゆきさんがわかりませんでした。アニメがすきですか?
